In the lap of luxury
In your comfort, you sit
Watching this world burn
Watching it split
You have your own troubles
You have your own life
Balancing everyday's
Endless strife
You celebrate Earth Day
Participate in the cause
But you're too busy
to ponder and pause
That its your world too
the place you call home
where your ancestors walked
Where your kids will roam
But in your pursuit
for future progress
You've exploited me enough
Creating a mess
Your war, your battles
Is making me sick
Your quest for oil
Selfish motives that reek
Oh! human
you dominant race
Look what you've done
Ruined my grace
But its never too late
To end these wars
To restore peace &
this planet of yours
Its time to undo
What we've done
To embrace nature
To do away with guns
We're a big family
Earth is our Mother
Respect her gifts
Don't treat her like just another